Thursday, September 20, 2012

You think you have it bad? You could be trying to raise a kid in China

So I thought it might be a good idea to add some "parenting news" to this blog to give it some street cred. I typed "parenting new" into google and this was the top story: Chinas Bright Dairy recalls cheese product for babies: paper. Well first of all, like any normal person, I though "WTF does that mean?" As I read on I become instantly hooked by catching lines such as: "infant formula laced with the industrial chemical " and "includes an additive banned for years". Wowie that's like Valley of the Dolls and Schindler's List all rolled into one! My round up of the story in one sentence is: Chines dairy company consistently poisons babies. I don't mean to make light of a very tragic event, but seriously this puts a really perspective on third world parenting problems. So next time you bust out the Baby Bell be thankful that you know it is not laced with melamine. 

Click here for the story in full. 

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