Thursday, September 27, 2012

Glorifying Teenage Pregnancy

Not all teenage mother's are morons, well not total morons any ways, a lot really make it work and turn out to be great parents, people, and contributing members of society. I'm not talking about then, that would be boring. I'm talking about the assholes that do Teen Mom & 16 and Pregnant, you know the ones that do it to like to raise awareness of teenager pregnancy to other teenager and stuff, not at all for the fame, glory, and instant pay check. 

I some how managed to fit in a few episodes (10) of 16 and Pregnant into my busy schedule last night, what I found to be the most overwhelming shit wave of idiocy was this attitude all these dumb bitched have that they are somehow too classy for secondhand anything. Too classy for a hand-me-down, but getting fingered by your boyfriend at the school disco, WHILE PREGNANT, totally OK. 
This bitches are in for a real wide awakening when they realises that getting knocked up as a teenager means good bye to new stuff for the next 18 years, unless you do something smart like catch a rich sugar daddy or go on a crazy bath salts bendar and sell your story to People Magazine. 

Another moron thing these girls do is not breast-feed - it's fucking FREE! Again, breast-feeding is totally embarrassing and  something that total scrubbers do, in their deluded minds. They want embarrassing? Just wait until their teenage boyfriends witness them taking a shit on a baby's head durring labour! 

Teenagers have natural handicaps of being lazy fucks, these jerks like to sleep until 3pm on a regular basis, so being a parent  is extra crappy when you are a teenagers. These stupid shows do nothing by glorifie teenage pregnancy. If they really wanted to raise awareness they would measure there girl's cootchie hole before and after labour and end each episode with the girls boyfriend says: "it's like throwing a banan down Oxford street".

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