Sunday, September 23, 2012

Parenting with a Hangover

I have been trying to follow Earnest Hemingway's sound advice to: "write drunk, edit sober". Like most I am a funnier, sassier asshole while I've got the drunks, so being the dumb drunk fuck that I have thought: to hell be the sober bit - so basically I have been drunk since Thursday. 

Now I have to deal with kids with a hangover - kids, with a hangover (sometimes comas really count). Here's a short list I have just compiled to help you get through you fucking hangover day - or as i like to call it: Sunday through Saturday. 

  1. Hurry and eat has much as you can immediately before you sober-up. You know that fun stage when you wake-up and are still a little drunk but basically just a total moron. You have to fill you belly with greasey goodness at this stage before *WHAM!* You sober-up and the hangover kicks in. 
  2. Shit, shower, shave: I learnt this from dating an Australian. Australians are classy like that. 
  3. Get out of the house. Nothing is worse for a hangover than letting it fester. 
  4. Try and pawn your kids off of friends, family, or whoever will take the little shits while you sit on your ass watching Project Runway. 
  5. Exercise, sweating out a hangover is a good way to beat that bitch.

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