Thursday, September 20, 2012

Those Skinny Jeans

We've all go that pair of jeans at the bottom of our drawer that we keep as an attempt to motivate ourselves out of the Doritos bag and into the gym. This morning I woke up and somewhat deludedly though "hummm, you've been working-out a lot lately, maybe those size 27 jeans will fit?" They got stuck at my knees and I have been wearing sweatpants ever since. Fuck you skinny jeans! 
I joined the gym about 6 months ago, because I need to lose some chunk, but more because they have a daycare and I wanted to dump my kid somewhere for a few hour everyday (now that is motivation!) Any ways here is what I have learnt:
  1. 1.     Zumba: I am fat and can’t dance – shhh don’t tell drunk me
  2. 2.     Yoga: I am the least bendy person in a room full of bendy people
  3. 3.     Pilates: men look like shit in spandex – even with serious yoga/Pilate face
  4. 4.     Body Shape (aerobics): I have sweat glans on my knees

 That’s it. Oh and I hate the gym. 

- what have I learnt from this post? That cutting and pasting from Word is not that successful.

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