Friday, September 21, 2012

Being A Mommy Blogger Requiers a Particularly Potent Type of Narcissist

What have a least from my first 24 hours as a blogger? 

  1. That you have to be a particularly potent type of narcissist. "Oh-ho-ho this is my life - READ IT NOW! -Share it now- OR ELSE!" Good thing I am deffo one of those * SHARE THIS POST NOW * 
  1. That to be a parenting blogger you have to neglect your kids. Who the fuck is looking after my kids while I barf these shitty insights out? *Shrug* Good thing nanny TV is a particularly huge one (to match my ego) in our house.
  1. I am angry at a lot of things and am a real negative Nancy, or as my friend Liz wrote "sassy asshole" - that was the goal so WIN!
  1.  Bloggers are not your friends. I have a Facebook friend from school (by friend I mean someone that I didn't know in high-school and now don't talk to on FB)  who is a blogger, I assume a bit of a success. Now I get why she sent that friend request - she wanted me to read her damn blog. 
  1. I am a technical moron, my font, size, spelling is all over the shop! My blog looks like a 5th graders summer vacation project - good thing I have a partner who is in IT and a real tech wiz (yes this is my way of nagging you DAN - fix my shitty site). Doesn't help that the set-up is in Dutch. It's all Dutch to me! 

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