Monday, September 24, 2012

Teenagers are Unreliable Jerks: Perfect For Minding Our Small Children?

I know what Kristy's Great Idea is, it's to call ten minutes before she is meant to be at a babysitting gig to say she is sick, that's her great idea. It's the same great  idea all teenage babysitters have. Although I have had a text from a babysitter at 5am to say that she was sick and wouldn't be able to babysit the next day. Oh you are sick are you? You are defiantly not still up partying with your other asshole teenage friends. 

Why do parents think that employing such unreliable dirt bags to look after their small children is a good idea ? It's not cheap these days, we pay our babysitter  10.00 per hour! So why don't we pay an adult to do it? Maybe it is because it it easier to boss teenagers around, and it is less embarrassing when you stumble in the door at midnight drunk off lemonchello and demand her to dance to David bowie with you?

If 1980's films taught me anything it's don't leve you kids with teenagers because shit will get cray-cray.

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