Thursday, September 20, 2012

Hey ladies what's with the constant shit stream of pictures of your kids?

I guess you must have mistaken us for someone who gives a shit.

This is something that really grates my bits. The constant stream of my friends kids on Facebook or on blogs is something of a mystery to me. I get the whole wanting to share with your friends and family, especially those who live not close to their families BUT that's what Flikr is for. You are writing a blog ON THE INTERNET - there is a pretty obvious assumption that you are writing in the hope that strangers all over the damn world will read this - if you didn't you woud have a written all this junk in your Lisa Frank diary (you know you have one).

I get it. Your kids are cute. You don't seem to get that I don't care. Maybe my particular brand of assholness is stronger than a normal persons (it defiantly is), I still think that the majority of the interweb agrees with me.

To put a lighter spin on this otherwise angry rant her is some Lisa Frank to brighten your day. Because nothing says happy thoughts like dolphins embracing on an under water acid trip.

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