Sunday, September 23, 2012

Thank You Pixar For Shutting-up My Kids

So I have noticed that all my posted are pretty negative, so I thought that I should do one that is more positive  about something I like. 

So here it is the Cars films, I don't like them because they works of cinematic genius, I like them because they consistently shut-up my kids. Sometime you just need to get some important shit done, like check your Facebook, or write on your shitty blog. For me it's either of these crappy films that get that job done. So thank you Pixar for parenting my kids when I don't want to deal with their crummy little asses. 

Cars 2 also makes me contemplate the interesting turn Michael Caine's career has taken lately, when I say interesting I mean totally shitty, yet totally profitable - KA CHOW! 

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