Friday, September 28, 2012

Approximately 2.8 million Watched an Obese Child Be Passively Abused On TV Last Night

(via Entertainment Weekly
I haven't been lucky enough to watch a full episode of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, but I think this picture pretty much some that shit right up. 

I am a connoisseurs of shitty TV, however I draw the line of reality child abuse. I would put Toddlers and Tiaras and spin off show, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo into that catagory. I am shocked that this is aloud to be shown on Dutch TV - if you dress a toddler up as a hooker or a Bay Watch babe, and get it to dance on a stage for money - how that is not classified as child pornography? Also when a child is as obese as Honey Boo Boo, it is a fine line between a thyroid issue and Mountain Dew in a baby bottle. I mean obesity is just as bad for your heart as smoking, but if i give my kids a cigarette people will get-up all i my grill, but if this lady gives her kid a cheese burger wrapped in bacon, we call it keeping it real. 

Any ways last nights season final was watched by 2.8 million people. Here is what a rep for the show had to say about it: 

“HERE COMES HONEY BOO BOO has become a pop culture phenomenon. What you see is what you get and we are excited to share even more of Alana and her family's unbridled hilarity, sincerity and love with our viewers.”

Yeah what you get is an obese toddler being passively abused on TV. kOOKY! 


  1. WTF???? I have never heard of this :-O Is that her MOTHER????? Jeeze.....

  2. Yes that is a picture of her and her mother at what i think is a pageant. Classy lady eh?

  3. Ugh totally agree, child abuse! AND that bottle of mountain dew is actually mixed with RED BULL too! She calls it "go-go juice" .....sick! Never seen it either but caught them on a daytime talk show (yep, babies are boring) and can't believe how messed up it is that they made a show out of it AND not to mention how popular it is.

  4. The Mountain Dew thing is a real thing she does?!!! I thought I was making that up!

  5. This wasn't from a Pagent. It was an episode of Anderson Cooper.
    He made the mothers dress they way they make the kids dress. Honey Boo Boo's mum (the Human Thumb) looked rather dashing in her outfit

