Saturday, September 22, 2012

What Makes You Think That the Rest of Us Wants to See a Picture of Your Fucking Dinner?

Ok, as someone who likes to cook I get if you want to post some majestic masterpiece  that you have made, if you post it it better not look like something a fucking kindergardener shat out. In my Facebook friends I have a chef, a pastry chef, and a sister that grinds her own damn smelt - do any of these actually talented cooks every post pictures of the food they have created ? No.

So assholes, you know that most of us make dinner every single fucking day, I am going push the boast out here and say that most of us make more than one meal a day, unless you have something ridiculous like a job, then I assume you just eat out of the bin behind where ever you work.

I don't get this when people post these pictures, what's your motivation? You want some kind of gratification for feeding your kids or just yourself? That's a bit fucking weird isn't it?

Here are some actual photos of food that has trickled in to my Facebook news feed- if you made the list and are reading this, you are probably egotistical enough to like it. I kind of get the Lobster one- ooh lobster, but boiled broccoli? WTF?

1 comment:

  1. Seriously laughed out loud while reading this!
