Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What's Worse Than a Smoker Telling You They Have Quit: Nothing. That's What.

As one of the few parents on the planet that hasen't quit that shit I HATE it when one of my smoking buddies tells me they have quit. Womp womp, whose that last loser smoker on the Sesame Street block? Me. 

Don't get me wrong, I don't want my friends to die of cancer, have shitty teef, or be imputent (the picture on packs DO tell you something), nor do I smoke very much, just when I am drinking, so like 5-6 mornings a week. But, like misery, a smoker likes company. So when these attempting quitters ultimately fail, a little (very big) part of me says: "YEEEEEEEESSSSSS, see you in the cancer ward in 40 years time".  

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