Friday, September 21, 2012

Morning News! Lazy kids are fat kids

This comes from the some of the great minds of our time over at Good Morning America.  The round up of the story in one sentence is this: several doctors were paid a lot of money to write a paper that uncovered one of the most shocking, pioneering theories in the medical society every to be discover: kids that get exercise are less chunky than kids that sit on the sofa all day. File this under: NO SHIT. 

Here is what they had to say about it: "The researchers found that 20 minutes of exercise for just a few months was helpful compared to no exercise at all, said the lead author of the study, Catherine L. Davis, a professor of pediatrics at the Medical College of Georgia."

If you would like to read the whole story of how doctor Smarty-pants and his pals screwed the American tax payer with their shitty study click HERE, if you have figured out all by yourself (or by the millions of other studies just like this one) that eating shitty food and hanging-out on the sofa all day will give your kid a fat ass - FOR LIFE, give yourself a pat on the back. 

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