Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Magic Faraway Tree is a Shitty Book

I just finished reading this load of dull trash to my kids. I can't remember ever having being read this as kid, I think my parents were too busy getting drunk in the kitchen. I may not have ever been read The Magic Faraway tree, but I knew all the words to every Rod Steward song ever wrote by the time I was 5 - thanks for that mum, that's a gift that keeps on giving. 

Back to the point, the Magic Faraway Tree sucks big fat hairy balls. The new versions of these books has a lot of people over on Amazon's reviews all worked-up over the names changes, apparently Fanny, Dick, and Dame Slap (I bet you just said Dick Slap in your head) are all now too terrifying of names for children to cope with at bed time. Never mind the stupid names, these are stupid books, about stupid kids, doing stupid things - and all poorly written (yes, I see how hypocritical that is of me to write). Not only was this s stupid book, how many god damn repeat storied of a magic lands (that are often shitty boring lands) can one parent take before they start losing the will to parent. 

This stupid book is 100% Kate Middelton's favorit book, she liked snuggle up in bed in her beige floor length cotton nighty, have a nice tepid glass of water and read The Magic Faraway Tree. 

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