Saturday, September 22, 2012

Yo Gabba Gabba-No-Woe WTF!

This is a phenomenon that has missed Europe, so was only just first introduced to this fucking creep show this summer while on vacation. Like most people upon first watching this I thought there is no way this was intended for kids. Some big brain at Nick Jr USA thought of a great idea for late night kids TV stoner viewing. 

I've smoked enough pot over the years to say this with some authority. This whole idea that society has of people getting stoned and wanting to watch shitty kids TV is a farse. I have never got stones and thought: "hey, you know what would be good right now? A talking spiky dildo aimed at kids". What I ALWAYS thinks is: "yum peanut butter out of the jar maneuvered with a carrot as a spoon" . 

So who the fuck is show's demographic? I have no idea but was hooked by the opening song when they happily screamed at me: "Foofa! She's Frik'en happy!"

I dare you to watch the opening credits are not hear that now. I couldn't find that on youtube (I know WTF is up with that?) so here is the next best thing and the general gist of it 


  1. I feel like I have truly missed out on an epic kids TV visual extravaganza (cos we all know us parents end up watching the crap they churn out) ;)
