Monday, September 24, 2012

Stay At Home Mums: connoisseurs of daytime TV

Being a stay at home parent means that you have a really boring life. Kids are great and all but they sure are boring mother-fuckers. Being a stay at home parent means a lot of playing Thomas the tank Engine, art projects that last ten minutes to do, twenty minutes to setup and another twelve minutes to cleanup, baby groups, book clubs where the book is The Little Blue Truck -Go ****peep*** yourself!

So to make the day bearable a lot of us have mastered the art of multi-tasking all this crap to the background of Bargin Hunt, Dr Phil, and Days of Our Lives - true story here, I hadn't watched Day's of Our Lives for over six years and could still follow what was going on when I caught a glimpse a few years ago.  "What you talking about Doc?"  

Seriously what the hell are you meant to do all day when you have a five month-old baby? Play  group is one hour a day - you still have eleven other hours to fill, and that is assuming you are one of those jammy parents who has a kid that sleeps twelve hours a night. When they are this little the can't move, so the only mess they make is confined to their shitty pants and your shoulder - so there isn't really any extra cleaning at this stage; you do more laundry. That's a filler for about six minutes a day. 

Staring at your kid's beautiful face is great and all, but I don't want to do that shit 12 hours a day - everyday- and nothing else. 


  1. TV's tragic 24/7 here. If by some miracle there's something decent on, it'd always at a time when I am out or otherwise engaged. So I gave up on it . Didn't even own one till Sam was nearly 4. Fuck it....I only turn mine on now when I want to watch Star Trek Thursday nights or play a DVD. I gopt a UK Proxy and BBCiPlayer so when I need a fix of something decent I can find it at will.

  2. I was just bitching about exactly this to the husband yesterday....babies are f'ing boring! Ive never watched so much tv in my life. Lacking ordinary activity of mind

  3. At least the grow up the governments provides 6 free hours of babysitting a day.
