Friday, September 21, 2012

Holy Gay Man at the Gym!

   So today I thought I had better get my big fat butt to the gym, you know to attempt to work off some of the gunt I acquired during pregnancy. As it was a last minute appointment the only time availed for the daycare was noon, a time that I have never associated with working-out.
 So I get there, the place is packed with men! And not just packed with the regular fat slob variety either, packed with extremely buff, extremely manicured, extremely gay variety. Hot Sausage! Well my first thought was: “WTF do these handsome gay men do for a living that allows them to be at the gym in the middle of the day?” I thought this was the kind of luxury reserved to stay at home mums!
When 12:45 came a round the place emptied and it dawned on me: THESE ASSHOLES ARE ON THEIR LUNCH BREAK! Holy shit! People actually do this! Apparently the reason that gay men more often than not live up to the positive stereotype of being handsomely buff, is not some magic gay gene, but hard work and dedication to the gym! Fuck that! I think I will take my muffin top in favour of spending my lunch BREAK at the damn gym!
Kudos to you gay men at my gym this lunchtime, kudos.

*Up Date: I have been informed by my uncle, Wolf,  that: "usually closeted bi guys like mid-day workouts. Nice to sower with the "other" straight guys. 
Thanks Wolf. 

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