Sunday, September 23, 2012

Scummy Mummy: Marie Antoinette & Her Tittie Sacks

This post isn't so much about Marie being  a shitty mum, like Medea, but for just being an all round asshole. A lot of people dispute this, saying that she was young, extravagent, and fabulous. That maybe so, doesn't maker her any less of an asshole. I was at Versailles this Spring and saw her little hide away makey-up town of where she would go to prentend she was a commoner - This dumb bitch! While the country was starving around her she was pretending to be poor, and by pretending to be poor she had built several "small" houses bigger than many manor homes and an team of staff to get her lazy ass whatever she wanted. 

This whole let them eat cake businnes isn't her's either, she stole that line, the phrase was first seen in print in 1760. Jean-Jacques Rousseau claimed to have since it in use in 1740 - this bitch wasn't born until 1755. If she had said it, which is possible as it is just the stupid kind of shite an ignorant bitch would say to a starving nation. 

Hey I don't know what all those starving kids in Africa are always complaining about on TV? Let them eat cake! - Fucking moron. 

Here's the tittie sack bit and how this ties into parenting. It is said by some that the trumpet champagne flute was a model of Marie's tits. When I first heard that I though: "fucking bitch had perky boobs after FOUR children?" I guess this is possible as this rich bitch had a wet nurse of course. However it turns out that there had actually been quite a lot of academic study on Maries tits and there is no way that she was as small as a trumpet champagne flute. I wonder who the creepy perv was who did all that research? 

I blame a lot of the positive misconception on this scum bag on Kirsten Dunst, like most of the shitty things in the World, it all boils down to Kirsten Dunst. In this instance it was the shitty movie she made about Marie Antoinette set to indie music. 

If you are in the UK you can watch Stephen fry and the rest of QI talking about Marrie Antoinette's tit's on this weeks episode HERE  

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