Friday, September 21, 2012

Patenting FAIL: Letting Lindsay Blohan Carry Your Kid

   Jesus! Who is the idiot who let this happen? Domingo Zapata, that's who. Right about now I bet we are all thanking the universe we aren't his ex-wife waking up to these pictures of LA's resident thief, drug addict, and all round fuck-up carrying our kids through New York. Get a load of this chick's shoes - optimal kid carrying shoes at night they are. No matter how bad of a parenting day you are having can't be worse than Mrs ex-Zapata's day. 

   Experiencing my own string of parenting fails at the moment surrounding that shitty age where if they nap they are up until 9:30, if they don't nap they scream all afternoon, prolly fall asleep anyways at about 5:30pm and are up until 10:30pm. Stupid kids. 

   To cleanse my infected eye-holes from this mess, both the Lindsay Lohan business and my own, I headed over to youtube to check out my favorit parenting WIN. The most beautiful sea nymph washing up on the shore of some lucky mortals local beach. Then I had a few swift wine shots just to improve my typing. I know it already looks as if a drunk guy fell on my key board and this junk popped up, now it will look like a fat, drunk guy fell on my keyboard - Hey it's Friday! 

  I can't believe that this work of magnificence hasn't won an Oscar and only has 10,049 views! And I am pretty sure that at least 10,000 of those views are from ME. This is my happy place, everyone should have one. 

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