Tuesday, September 25, 2012

J K Rowling: "Fuck Harry Potter and his loser friends, I wanna write about teenagers firing the ack ack gun"

That quote is totally accurate and defiantly not made-up at all. 

This is about J K Rowling's new book about dirt bag teenagers doing dirt bag things like herion and having creepy teenager sex with each other. 

Here is what JK had to say about it: 
" (it's) a story of class warfare set amid semi-rural poverty, heroin addiction, and teen-age perplexity and sexuality."

Ohhhh J K how provocative of you. This is the get-go of this book that we all will read, and probably love more than our children. Actually some of us not-born-to-be-parents will prolly read this TO out children. 

"The tale is set in the comfortable middle-class town of "Pagford," England, which has a drug-treatment clinic that serves both the town and a neighboring area, The Fields—a neighborhood of public housing and poverty on the edge of a larger town nearby. Right-wing residents of the community seek to rid themselves of the obligation to help the struggling Fields. One of the central characters, the prostitute and drug addict Terri Weedon, is mother to a three-year-old child."

Out of all those Harry Potter kids a few are bound to turn up of Celebrity Rehab at some point, this will be a good platform for them. 

I've just spent the last 10 minutes looking to see how old real-life Harry Potter would be now.  He's 28, so real-life Ron, Lavender, or Crabbe, are bound to be on the bad shit (YOU: "You spend more than 10 minutes on these shitty posts??????") 

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