Friday, September 21, 2012

Who's The Shittiest Mommy Blogger of Them All?

This asshole, that's who. Remember when we all used to laugh and laugh when he drew cum on celebrities faces, or little pee streams coming from under their skirts as they lounged outside the Ivy? Sure that was all good fun, but this smug fuck was also a real fucking asshole to towards celebrities' kids. It's one thing in make fun of celebrities - fuck those assholes, but their kid's appearance (google "Perez Hilton Adam Sandler kid - if you feel like being angry at  Perez Hilton today. Any ways a few years ago Jennifer Aniston told Perez to stop being a cyber bully, he he claims he has. I don't know what is so authoritative about Jennifer Anniston but it apparently worked - next time your kid isn't listening to you pop on your "The Rachel" wig and see how that work, we could be on to something here .  He may have I don't give a shit his site has become so inundated with ads for his own site it is ridiculously annoying to read - we get it, we're already on the damn site!

Here's the point: I have noticed that he has started a new Blog, Perezitos about kids. Fuck this guy! He has become more condescending than a first time parent! Jesus Christ - why does anyone want parenting advise for this asshole? To make matters worse he has also wrote a children's book The Boy with Pink Hair, I am pretty sure that this is a direct rip-off of David Walliams' book. Of all the Mommy bloggers - you Perez, are the worst (and probably most successful - jerk)

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