Friday, September 21, 2012

Sperminated: The Kate Middelton Edition

I will start this off by saying that I searched, and searched for a shitty picture of the Duchess of Dull, Kate Middleton and found NONE! That bitch! So here's the royals dancing in ethnic get-up, and any Royal in ethnic costume is hilarious.

Any ways Kate drank a glass of water a few days ago and now will all think she is pregnant. Weather she is are she isn't I like these dull fucks, not as muh as I like the hot ginger one though. They have changed the long line of sexist precedent of royal succession, saying that their first born, no matter if it has a vagina, will assume the throne. I give that 5 Ginger Spice heads for girl power. 

Maybe these dull fucks will honor the greatest feminist of our time, Geri Halliwell, by naming their kid Ginger Spice. No they won't they will called it Elizabeth Phillippa for a girl or Phillip Elizabert (yeah Bert - like Bert and Ernie), because that is how the Royals roll - a thousand years of lineage and 4 names between the lot of them.

Here's my suggestion any ways: Luke-warm Watery Cream Windsor. 

That glass of water that started all this hoopla really has a lot in common with Kate's personality.

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