Monday, September 24, 2012

Mum-preneur: The Worst Thing to Happen to Feminism Since Gangster Rap

"A liberated woman is one who has sex before marriage and a job after".  - Gloria Steinem 

First I just want to make clear that it is not mum-preneurs that I have a problem with, in fact I think it is really amazing that these mums run, often very successful businesses, while they have young children. What I have a problem with is the stupid word: Mum-preneur. Why can't they just be called entrepreneurs like like a normal person? 

This whole mum-preneurs thing is somewhat of a phenomenon, basically now when someone spits a baby out of her cooter it turns her into some sort of mad scientist, obsessed inventing with something she can sell on the internet, usually some sort of bag that can be strapped to a kid. 

They ever have there own awards! If you feel like making your eye balls bleed with depression at this shit show of sexism have a look HERE. Giving these mum-preneurs their own set of awards so how implies that they are less than the rest of the entrepreneurs - stupid mums can't compete with real businesses. Fuck! These women should be given special medals for having their own businesses with that handicap of snot balls we call kids! 

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