Saturday, September 22, 2012

Cats! I hate Cats!

What is worse than a constant shit stream of kid pictures on your new feed? Cat pictures. I don't mean pictures of funny cats, because I am pretty sure that is what the internet was invented for.

 I mean pictures of YOUR cat - stop that shit right now. 

Best part of this is that the people who complain about the shit stream of kid pictures, are the same delicate dandelions that clog up our news feeds with picturess of their stupid cats. Good for you, you have a cat.  

There is a special ring in Hell for cats, those mother fuckers have very quickly turned my veggie patch into their local public toilet - Fuck you cats. Worst past is that there is no place to voice your hate for cats- those bitches just won't listen, they will just nap on your god damn head while you voice your concerns. 

Cats! So awful, yet so good, because you can name them stupid names like: Mussolini or Wolfgang, but you still have to wipe their shite from your home-grown tomatoes. Cats the little devils that  tear-up your sofa and you reward them afterwards for not tearing up something more important. 

Cats! The kids that won't look after you when you are an old decrepit in nursing home - because why else would anyone have kids, if it wasn't a long term plan for a carer? 

1 comment:

  1. I like to squirt the buggers with a water gun, gives me great pleasure...oh that and letting the dog out to terrorise them, makes my day that does :D
