Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Scummy Mummy: Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria makes the Scummy Mummy list for making it en vogue to have 9 children in Victorian England.

In a time when women had lots of babies any ways due to them being hungry sluts and no widespread birth-control, women did not need some rich bitch telling them: “Go have 9 kids you lazy fucks – My Empire depends on you!”

Child-bearing was a hazardous job with out pay. Some of the side effects included: saggy cootch, a great big gunt, cracked nipples, and death. So these Victorian bitches did not need encouragement to poop out kids. Most of these kids ended up down a mine or up a chimney any ways. Now I have a mental image of a woman pooping out a baby directly up a chimney, while Dick Van Dyke midwives. Victorian women needed 9 children like they needed am ash trey on a motor bike. 

Here what Queen Vicky had to say about babies:
“I don’t dislike babies, though I think the very young ones rather disgusting”. Well Vicky you are right about that.

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