Thursday, September 27, 2012

Reese Witherspoon Markets Her Baby As A New Brand Of Burbon

How many people, I say people, I mean men, do you think have photoshopped that picture to have their penis right where it looks like a penis should be?

So Reese Witherspoon delivered a baby today after what seems like a 10 minute long pregnancy, this bitch certainly doesn't know who to milk a pregnancy. Jessica Simpson somehow managed to stay pregnant longer than an elephant just so people would talk about it longer. Not Reese, she's too classy for that shit. 

We all know that celebrities are no good at naming humans, however, after successfully naming 2 children before this baby, names that don't sound like 1980's cartoon characters, a new line of kitchen-wear from IKEA, or a Fred Penner song (Ava and Deacon), I was kind of expecting the same for this new baby friend.

Instead Reece is getting on top of things by marketing her baby as a new brad of burbon by naming him: TENNESSEE JAMES TOTH 

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