Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Woman Delivers Baby In Tree - Her Delivery Story In Better Than Yours

I couldn't find an appropriate picture of a woman squishing a baby out in a tree- go figure! So here's the 1990's Hang In There Cat. 


Anyone that has been watching the news, when I saw nes I do not mean E-News or what has been written on the local dive's bathroom wall, will know that regular Happyland Mozambiique is expereincing an extra fuck you from the gods by being under water .

Luck lady, Sofia Pedro, very heavily climbed a tree to escape rising flood water - bitch is real resourceful. Sofi proves to the world that women of the third world are whiney ass bitched by delivering a damn baby in a tree while under the threat of being swallowed by flood water, oh yeah and her grandmother had just died in the flood to, just to ice this shit cake. 

Sofia and her literal bush baby where air lifted shortly after the delivery by South African military helicopter and taken to a refuge clinic, where Sofia wiped placenta from her leg and politely told every person to ever complain about a shitty epidural to go fuck themselves. 

This kid better grow up to be Tarzan 

The World Health Organisation is appealing for baby delivery kits for an estimated 3,400 who are expected to give birth with no medical facilities in the coming three months in Mozambique. So if your heat isn't a dried crusty raisin go HERE to donate. 

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