Saturday, October 27, 2012

The World Through Crack Tinted Glasses: Courtney Love Is Making Kurt Cobain The Musical **Jazz hands**

I actually think that I may love Courtney Love more than I love my own children, any hoe that chucks makeup at Madonna is a friend of mine. 

Any ways, Court wake up, put on her favorit crack tinted glasses and decided what the world needs is a Kurt Cobain musical...from her perspective. Courtney's perspective is usually one taken via a sticky nightclub bathroom floor while giving a twink advice on the proper edict of how to give a beej, so I am really looking forward to this!

What makes this even better is that the creative genius behind this hurricane of bad ideas is the Frappichino enabler of 1997 Brittney spears, Sam Lutfi! This guy convinced a Chetto princess to shave her fucking weave to keep the social at bay - this is going to be one hell of a good show if 1997 tabloid headlines are anything to go by!

Here is what the futre master film maker had to say about it: 

“[Courtney Love and I] are currently working on a possible motion picture or Broadway musical based on the Nirvana catalogue, based on her life and Kurt Cobain’s,”
“It’s an idea. I’m sorry. I can’t say anything more.”

These sly fucks are keeping the antis......................apation real! 

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