Saturday, October 6, 2012

So you don't want kids? Still if a toddler hands you a banana you answer that shit

Though not everyone wants to have kids, or even interact with them on a daily basis ,about 90% of the population still thinks : "they are ok, as long as they aren't touching me". 

When a stranger (danger!) kid waves and smiles at you with a sticky dirty face, you may think: "thank fuck that jerk isn't with me", but you still smile at the kid and wave back. 

However, there is the 10% that does't. This 10% evolved from the deepest union of the womb of missery and hell. Who are these jerks?

No matter how fucking street you are, a toddler hands you a banana, you answer that shit! - yes, I know that is stolen from a meme (though I think I have improved that shitty meme immensely by turning the toy phone into a banana), I am not one of these people that tries to pass off funnier people's stick as their own. What do these people think? 

"Oh yeah that is a really funny thing little known indie comic Jerry Seinfeld just said, I am going to steal that as my own Facebook statues - no one has heard of Jerry Seinfeld or any of his jokes". 

Then surely non of you friends friends will have heard the joke either - because when your unsuspecting friends "like" your stolen status, thinking that you are the funniest, wittest, shit to hit FB, all their frieds see that shit. 

Moral of the story - you are going to get caught and look like a cunt & if a toddler hands you a bana you answer that shit. 

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