Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Why I Hate Parents: America's Gross Mis-distribution Of Wealth.

This comes from some dumb bitch "mommy blog" so enter at own risk of chucking your lunch all over your keyboard. 

She writes that kids wouldn't complain about healthier school provided lunches if they ate healthy at home - well dumb bitch governments don't target these plans with  wealthy jerks that have time to write mommy blogs and CHOOSE to feed their kids crap. They target these programs for people that come from areas that are poorly ed-um-e-cated and can't afford to provide Whole Food style lunches for their kids. 

This dumb bitch should try her theory in down town Detroit, "hey fellow mothers, you know that if you bake your own beans, it only takes a few hours and cost three times the price, it is WAY better for your kid than a tin of baked beans?" - Fucking no shit asshole - but some people are not lucky enough to have that time or money on their hands - so schools are trying to provide that. 

The a big reason why America is so fat is the fucking shitty living conditions American's live in- no mater how many layers of freedom your wrap that shit in - it's still a shitty turd of grossly, morbitly obesely,  mis-distribution of wealth.

(it just took me 20 minute to settle on the best way to spell "mis-distribution" - so if any jerk decides to tell me I have done it wrong - go fuck yourself. That word is not at the point where the letters men jack shit because you have said them so many times at once. 

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