Monday, October 1, 2012

That Awkward Moment When You Put On your Husband's Jeans Thinking They Are Yours And They Fit!

Holy Shit! That is not what I needed on a Monday morning - why is it always Monday? 

Today mark the 3 month count down until my 30th birthday, so like most people who are about to turn 30,  I have decided that I am going to get fit, become beautiful, and change my whole life style - starting right now, just after this bag of chips, the coffee, and maybe a cigarette later. 

I was inspired by a friend's blog to write about the trials and tribulations of trying to lose some chunk and having a healthier lifestyle. I figure this way that I will be shamed if I quit. So, I would like to drop about 7kgs (that's about 15 lbs for all the morons out there who don't know how to use metric or Google)  in 3 months. 

My problem is not exercise, I got to the gym 5 days a week and use a bike, I don't have a car or know how to drive - that shit scared the B-JESUS out of me - you are basically being hurled town a tarmac death strip in a tin can. Not for me. My problem is all the sweet nectar I like to poor down my neck each night, so I'm on the wagon. Well, not completely, that would be totally ridiculous and unrealistic. I also like to bake, cook, and EAT. Everything. I am not going to cut down on the amount of food I eat beacause it just makes me too happy to stuff my face with cheese covered carbs. What I will be cutting out is the junk food. 

I don't know how people with kids can diet, I mean how can you resist a have eaten chicken nugget that has been sitting in the bin for 2 hours? HOW? 

Weight: 65 Kg
Bust: 81 cm
Waist: 75 cm
Hips (Oh Christ!): 107cm

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