Saturday, October 6, 2012

Mums Are Boring: Cock Blocked By Mumsnet

That's a stick in the mud, for the sticks in the mud over at Mumsnet.

So the jerks over at Mumsnet decides to block Kids Are Creepy Weidos from posting on their shitty site. I am not even 100% that I have ever done that. I know that I liked the group a couple of weeks and have since had an overload of extremely riveting posts such as, "Just HOW glad are you that it's Le Weekend?" and "Is this Hallowe'en pumpkin from Red Ted Art just that bit too cute? Anyone planning on a pirate pumpkin? <Bares fangs> " have been clogging up my news feed ever since. I mean not even one post about eye brows or historical sluts? What's that all about?

It is at times like this I wish I had an outlet to vent my frustration about how fucking lame, over the top PC, mind numbingly dull the vast majority of "mommies" are . Oh wait I do!- so to quote Wolverine: "go fuck youself" Mumsnet.  

What really ices this turd cake is that I am actually flying to London next weekend to do a course hosted by Mumsnet. So I am not exactly sure how I am going to handle this, but if they think that I am the classy lady type to just pretend that didn't happen - WRONG. Those bitches are in for a real treat next weekend. You see I'm an asshole, and next weekend I plan on being a loud drunk asshole at a Mumsnet hosted course on Roman History because I am really mature and stuff like that. 

Screw you Mumsnet. 

And if you are wondering why I am using the word Mumsnet so much, it is because I am hoping that when people google "Mumsnet" they get this blog about how shitty Mumsnet is. 


  1. Shame it's in London, you could have been an asshole at my house!

  2. Luck for me I am staying at the Easy Jet hotel in a windowless room - should give me something to write about
