Saturday, October 13, 2012

Spelling And Grammar Are For Asshole

As someone who spends a lot of time on the internet being a jerk to strangers I get an abundance of people telling me to “learn to spell” – like it’s some kind of an insult.

Hey since when is making fun of the slow kid a socially expectable thing?

LEARN TO SPEL!!! Well no thanks, don’t think that I will. There are a ton of far more practical things that I would prefer to learn other than spelling, like how to canoe, how to speak French, CPR, fencing, whatever!
Next time someone tells me to learn to spell I am going to tell them to learn CPR as it is a FAR more useful way to spend your life than worrying if some moron you don’t know on the internet wrote than instead of then.

And really when you say “learn” you mean be born with the ability to know who to spell words naturally, most people who can’t spell well aren’t just lazy or ignorant to the fact – they just don’t get it and have gone past giving a fuck.

Semicolon ? Really? WTF is that all about?

Really who gives a shit? As long as you know what a person is trying to say – great. People are always talking like this text-talk, absence of proper spellings is a new phenomenon – well it aint. People only really started giving a shit about spelling in the last 100 years. Of the five remaining signatures we have from Shakespeare – they are all spelt differently. If Shakespeare didn’t give a shit, why should you or I?

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