Monday, October 1, 2012

Surprise! Celebrity Plastic Surgery From People You Wouldn't Expect

One, in a VERY long line, of my guilty pleasures is trolling the internet looking at celebrity plastic surgery. What have a learnt from this? That it is almost impossible to find anyone in Hollywood who hasn't had plastic surgery. Here are a couple of the ones I was most shocked by.  Yes, I have too much time on my hands, and yes I need to get a life.

Kira Knightly, nose, lips, personality, nope, unfortunately not that last one. Oh well bitch can't have it all. 

Ryan Gosling, new nose, good bye 1990's sperm brows. Maybe new chin?

Kate Winslet, for someone who talks a lot about not getting botox , she sure has had a lot of a nose job. 

Angelina Jolie, I hate this bitch. She is really letting the world of young girls know that all you need to be the most beautiful woman in the world is a nose job, a herion problem in your 20's, anorexia, and to be a tramp. Well Angelina I think you are a douche bag. I am sure she gives a lot of shits about what I think. 


  1. I think Demi Moore had a nose job, but I can't say for sure. My friend thinks she just grew into her nose.

  2. I'm not sure. I know that she was said to have had a whole shit load of stuff done right before Charlie's Angels & Striptease. I'm not sure, very subtle if she has ?

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