Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hot Nazi Slut! Coco Chanel

Yeah that's right Coco Chanel was anti-semitic bitch hungry for Nazi peen. I bet that is what all those classy assholes who name their white fluffy dogs Cocco have in mind - tres-chi chi! 
Paris-based America expat, Hal Vaughan, wrote in his Coco Chanel biography Sleeping With The Enemy that Coco was an anti-Semite who liked nothing better than to "dabbled in Nazi foreign policy"  then relax afterwards by chowing down on some Nazis peen. 
The book claims that durring Choco's "long-whispered collaboration" with Nazis scum bags during World War II she became "fiercely" anti-Semitic. However Coco didn't save her hate just for the Jews - no, she shared that distane like a good skin head should. She also hated "trade unions, socialism, Freemasons, and communism" - I hate free masons too, mainly because I don't really know what the means and am too lazy to Wikipedia that shit. 
So Coco had to pluck her boyfriends from the same gene pool that spewed Mel Gibson, P.W. Botha, and the jerks who gave us Sebastian from the Little Mermaid, like the then Duke of Westminster—known for naming his dog "Jew" - totally appropriate for the 1940's.  There was also Baron Hans Günther von Dincklage, who fronted himself as "an innocuous, English-speaking tennis player, playboy, and harmless dupe," but was actually a Nazi agent lauded by Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels - I'll forgive him though because of the awesomeness of his name. 
After the War Coco the hoe hoe was in sort of excel in Switzerland until her 70's when she returned to Paris to class up the runway. In much the same way that people don't really give a shit that Michael Jackson was a child abuser - hey he made some really good music in the 80's! - people don't really give a shit that Coco was a Nazi - hey she makes some really nice quilted handbags! 


1 comment:

  1. Bet Jimmy Saville wishes he'd been a fashion designer.
