Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Scot Isadick Sticks A Finger Up Kourtney Kardashian's Asshole

I have not better idea than you why this picture is news, but according to the internet  it is

I guess this is some kind of fame whoring "How-To" example taken from the much used text book of: assholes with no job that make more money from one finger up the asshole picture then you do it an entire year. 

My take on this picture is: Pimp mama Kris wasn't happy that one of her fully grown Kash Kows wasn't plowing in enough money for Bruce's next face lift or hoe school for the younger Kuntrashians, so she told Scot Idon'thaveadick to shove a finger right up the poop shoot of her first born - AND CALL THAT PAPS!

For anyone who can't tell who these assholes are or know what the god damn hell I am talking about (has nothing to do with the the bad case of the drunks I have) - you're lucky and I aint gonna ruin that serenity by telling you who it is. 

Though it was nice of Kuntney to match her romper with the KACW's title band - Thanks Kunt! 


  1. I feel better about me cellulite now.Oh yeah and...ewww.

  2. see thats what happens when you forget to wear knickers!!
