Thursday, October 4, 2012

50 Shades Of No Way (Unless Alexander Skarsgard Is In It)

Lets just take a minutes of silence to saver Eric Northman in a bed. 

Ok, so I get asked a lot if I have read 50 Shades of Grey, which I have not. I assume I get asked so much because I am a classy dandelion of a lady that likes to read, not because I look like a scumbag connoisseurs of smut. `

I'm not into porn and if I ever decided that I was going to get into that, I don't have to walk to the shop, buy a book, read the whole book - I can just stay right here on my fat ass and google. Other than cute cats, Justin Beider, and shitty blogs, porn is what the internet is for. 

In the time it took me to write this I could have watched, in entirety, 50 Shade of Gay.

However, as my cousin pointed out, if vampire Eric gets the role of Christian Grey in teh film version, we are all going to go see that shit and dry hump our seats. I hope they hand out wet wipes in the screening of this film when it eventually gets made. 


  1. Here's to hoping- your cousin

  2. They only opened the casting call a couple of days a go, but looks like it will probably be Eric Bana.

    Oh well.

  3. I find my eyes are being drawn to the angle of his nipples....

    1. Looks like someone photoshopped is nipple on in the wrong place.
