Friday, October 5, 2012

Hot Slut Catherine The Great

Me: "what's so funny Cathy?"
Catherine the Great: "why, I'm just pleased with myself for being such a hot slut" 

Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia (1729-96) is remembered for having one of the healthiest sexual appetites of the time. In fact even Casanova was in awe of her, saying
"(she) thoroughly understod the art of making herself loved."  Those two sluts got on like a syphilis  soar of fire. 

Cathy didn't relie on good looks and big tits either, she had to use her brain and wit to entise men. In turn Cathy liked her men beefy, beefy and brainy - 5 Gerry Halliwell heads for girl power for that!

Cathy's wanton lust is probably been remembered because of all the famous dicks she slipped on, like Sergei Saltyov, Prince Planton Zubov and Stanislaw Poniatowski, (you never heard of them? Really? I thought everyone knew who Sergei Saltyov and Stanislaw Poniatowski were). 

Oh and the rumors that she died while attempting to mate with a horse. The horse rumor is just that, a rumor. She actually died of  a stoke, the whole horse thing was probably spread by all the scum bag men that were intimidated by a hot slut with a functioning brain. Men are pigs. 

Catherine the Great did all kids of other awesome stuff you should look into it. 


  1. Ian is falling about the floor laughing at this.

  2. Glad he likes it, this one of my favorit posts

  3. That is a very shit-eating grin she's got on there, I must say, darling.
