Saturday, October 6, 2012

Mums Are So Hardcore: How To Bake Like Muthafucka

Sometimes when I am just living my mum life doing my mum stuff I think to myself, fuck you are so hardcore! Like today when I was busting out some bad ass banana bread. Here is how you make gangsta banana bread. 

1. Grease pan and turn oven to 350 - Nope, I'm going to do that last, greasing pans first is too conventional for a hardcore bitch like you. 
Alos, as if you cook ANYTHING at any other temperature.  

2. Melt 1/2 cup butter, let cool - fuck that! You gotts stuff to do today, who has time to let melted butter cool?

3. Mix 5 very ripe banas with melted butter, and 3/4 cup sugar - youz have got to do all of that or else you end up with shitty banana bread

4. Shift 1 1/3 cups of flour - not going to do that, you are WAY to off the hook to shift flour. 

5. Add baking soda & baking powder to flour - not going to to that either. 

6. Mix wet and dry ingredients - I'm just going to chuck the flour on top then add the baking soda & baking powder to the top of that - you're so edgy. 

7. Chop nuts and add - I'm going to bash those little shits with a rolling pin - take that asshole nuts. 

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