Friday, November 30, 2012

Historical Hunk With A Sword: Farm Boy Wesley - The Dread Pirate Roberts

(I am not down sizing this picture for no one) 

Though as an adult it is pretty apparent that the true Historical Hunk With A Sword is Inigo Montoya, as a naive child, Wesley was top professor wizz wizz (, tells me that that is another word for top dog and I'm going with it). 

Wess took on a dude called "Prince Humperdink" in the 80's - that is so hipster, he took that shit on BEFORE it was cool to humperdinks. 

Fuckit, here is Inigo stirring up all kinds of emotions from your childhood & telling you what he will do to the six fingered man.

Anyone got a penut? 
If you don't know what that means you should hop in the bath, play with the toaster and have a long hard sip of battery acid. 

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