Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Don't Look At Me! I'm Not A Slut! Say's The Girl In The See-Through Slut Dress

So here's K-Stew in a see-though dress looking like a hoe bag, while telling people she isn't a hoe bag who lets married men munch on her box in a public parking lot . Kirsten also likes to whine a lot about how she hates the publicity of fame, liking it to rape. So here she just trying to be a wall flower at the fucking premiere of the shittiest mega movie of the pat 10 yeas in a real sensitive demur dress that she most likely borrowed from Emily Bronte or a elementary school librarian. 

Well played K-Stew, wearing that slut dress then messing with our minds by wearing granny panties under - is she a slut? Or is she a granny? Maybe she's just a slutty grannie wannabe. 

I also recently read that Kirsten Steward is creeped out by fan fiction (based on her Twilight character) 50 Shades of Grey - Well K-Stew you give me the heebbie-jeebies, so I guess they got that character right. 

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