Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Patsy Stone Mistakes Leo DeCatchahoe's Head For A Vodka Botel

Here is Joanna Lumley sucking the sweet nectar of youth from Leonardo Dicaprio's face. 

I have no fucking idea what this picture is about, and every site I look at is too hook-up on Patsy geting some, to worry about the events that lead to this.

However I have put my Sherlock cap on and deciphered that other than beng a hot slut and a Gurka warrior prinsess   Patsy Stone ia also  on the Brooklyn set of Scorsese's The Wolf of Wall Street  and she's getting a check to do it- as if a delicate feminist buttercup would rub faces with that douche without a check! 

Any ways here is Pasty giving the UK government a hard time 

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