Friday, November 2, 2012

Lady Gaga Dressed As A Stoned Booger For Halloween - Passive Aggressively Calls Adel Fat

Queen on the douche juice Lady Gaga, seen here dressed like stoner jizz or something for Halloween, wants to know why the media screamed fat fuck at her for putting on some chunk. 

While shitting out words of arty-farty pretention to  Stylist (via ONTD) about her new fragrance, the conversation switched from make-up to Adele. Gaga started out by saying that women need to stop being cold bitches to each other:
"I think women are just, for no reason, wretched to each other all the time, and I don’t think they use clothes or men or perfume or make-up or anything more than they use anything else. We should all make an effort to be nice to one another all the time."

Then Caca proved herself to be a shining example of the cunts woman can be by being the exact asshole she was just saying women shouldn't be: 

"I've realised I don’t have to do very much anymore but make music, because my fans do it all for me. They carry the message so far. Ever since they saw how much Born This Way could affect people, they wanted to do more and have that sort of space of kindness and compassion. I was acutely aware of some photos on the internet – my mum called me and was like, “Did you gain weight?” – everybody was telling me about it, and I didn't really care. But when I heard it was on the news, where they talk about wars, the economy crashing and the election – I just thought, ‘This is f*cking ridiculous.’ I mean, what kind of example is that to a young girl sitting at home? I thought, well I don’t really care if they think I’m fat, because, quite honestly, I did gain about 30 pounds. Adele is bigger than me, how come nobody says anything about it? She’s so wonderful and I think her confidence is something I have to match. She has set the bar very high for a lot of woman. I need to be a confident woman and just say politically active things when I can that are helpful to young people".

This asshole. Gawd. I guess I missed the day that the internet, the news papers, CNN, Interpol, and whatever other information source Gaga thinks she is talking about, through all kinds of shade at a chunked up version of Gaga.
Is the picture taken 3 days ago above meant to be a fatty? Just looks like a what a smoker coughs-ups. 
You know in art class someone would say " oh my picture is like SOOOOOOO terrible" and it was actually very good and that person was just fishing for compliments? Well my money is that this is what Caca is attempting to do here - well Caca: you look skinny, however, the fact that you look like a crust booger is really distracting. 

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