Saturday, November 3, 2012

World's Fattest Bride Gets Fatter - Then Takes Her Clothes Off

I realize that the picture is too big for the site, however I also thought that was VERY fitting for this story. 

Doctor Phil updated Entertainment Tonight viewers Thursday on the progress SUPER CHUNK Susanne Eman and her fantastic super goal who wanting to weigh 1,200 pounds (545 kg) to get the much coveted title of World's heaviest bride - what ever sinks floats you boat - I guess. 

"It's hard to shock me," the TV doc said, noting how Eman had stated she wanted to get up to 800 lbs. for her wedding and 1,200 by her early 40s, despite the obvious health risks associated with said gains.

Just what the world needed anothe reason to call America fucked up! 

This also comes on the same day where it was announced on BBC breakfast news that the most sought after profession for UK primary school girls is glamour models - WTF is wrong with the world! A lot apparently. 

So for any young people reading this (go wash your eyeballs, mouth, brian, and cootch - just for good luck - out) then gain 700 pound and take your clothes off - cos that is apparently who you need to do to  "make it" in this shitty world. I would also lick Robert Patterson's enchanted unicorn hair, just for to be sure that you have your bases covered. 

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