Thursday, November 29, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Slapped A Bitch In The Face

We should be thanking the baby Jesus for blessing the earth with walking angle Lindsay Lohan, every time she takes a step that is just God'S way of kissing the planet. Just look at this image of natural beauty! I just love a bitch with a right arm that is a spiegati noodle that has not been Photoshopped at all.

Every Lindsay mug shot is just God's way of beautifying the internet. I wake-up every morning and prey thanks that the universe had blessed our lives with TV film Liz & Dick
If only YOU could be as lucky as the fine dust of Aunty Norma C that makes its lucky way up Lindsay's hungry nostrils! If only! Then maybe YOU wouldn't be so judgmental.
Lindsay woke up today safe in the knowledge that she would win and Oscar, Tony and prolly a Nobel Peace Prize for her hard work of playing dress-up as Liz Taylor, only to find that she had smacked a bitch in the face and is heading to her second home in the slammer

I guess the universe got drunk last night (who didn't!) and fucked that shit up, that punch was meant for Lindsay's fug meth face.


  1. And in other essential news...the Duchess of Cambridge owns a curling wand. I am SO glad that was on every major channel's evening News.... and that they took the time to add newsbreaks announcing it AGAIN 7 AGAIN & AGAIN. Nothing of greater note happened anywhere in the world yesterday than that. Why, I wait with bated breath to find out what brand setting lotion the mindless, worthless useless social climbing bitch who has never worked a day in her life and has even failed to be an effective incubator for a Windsor lizard uses.

