Thursday, November 22, 2012

A History Of The World In 20 Completely Accurate Quotes That Use The Word Fuck

   So I dug deep and hard into the bowls of history to find 20 absolutely  100% not made up by me right now dunk alone at my compute, to find the top 20 quotes that use the word "fuck" to some-up the history of the world. Enjoy. 

  1.  “What the fuck was that?”
 – particles and shit right after the Big Bang.

   2.  “I want it to be the biggest fuck triangle I was ever seen!!!”        -Tutankhamun

 3. “So let me get this straight? You want me to build a 8851.8 km long wall for free? No Fuckn’ thank you” 
– Chines slave laborer

  4. “WFT man? I thought we were pals” 
– Julius Caesar, right after Brutus stabbed him in the back.

  5. “You think this fucking shit was built in a day?” 
-The Romans.

  6. “How many virgins will be waiting to fuck me?” 
– guy on board for the rise of Islam.

  7. “Does this pointy hat make my butt look fat?” “No, your fucking fat makes your butt look fat”
 – Vikings on the treadmill.

  8. “Seriously, you guys need to fuck off now” 
– The Amerindians.

  9. “Fuck you” “No, fuck you” 
– Catholic / Protestant

  10. “Where did my fucking head go you guys?” 
- Charles I 

  11. “This fucking sucks HUGE balls” 
– Slaves

  12. “We’re carving-up Africa? I want a piece of that shit!” 
– Europeans

  13. “Fuck the man! Unless that man is me” 
– Big Brother

  14. My foot looks like a fucking raisin after the moon fell on it” – Soldier with trench foot.

  15. “I’m not getting in THAT fucking shower” 
– Anne Franke

  16.  “It looks like a fucking bomb hit this place!” 
– Mayor of Hiroshima

  17. “WTF are we doing here?” 
– Forrest Gump in Vietnam

  18.  “Pink Floyd! I Fucking hate Pink Floyd”
 - Eastern German

  19. “Made in Fucking China” 
– Everyone

  20. “I’m really fucking broke!” 
– Bear Stearns

 What have I learnt from this? Don't try and copy and past a numbered list from a Word document. 

12. Is missing a fuck, so fuck the lot of you. There. 

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