Monday, November 26, 2012

The People Who Hate Christmas Because It Is Too Materialistic Are The Losers Of Humanity

So you hate Christmas because it's all about material giving and  shopping? Maybe you should take a good long look at yourself in the mirror are realize that you are a tall dark drink of FUCKING HYPOCRITE. 

Sure I like the shopping, but I am pretty sure that is the mania part of my depression speaking - best time of year for a manic depressant- shopping with no guilt! Any ways if you think that Christmas is about the gifts you will get, then that is your own god damn problem! You are as bad as the assholes that think Christmas is about Jesus. 

 Getting a gift for some dirt bag with no money who has put some effort into finding a penny with the birth year of your high school crush (Spragina I'm looking at you) is WAY better than getting a Paul Frank scarf that you hate, and if you need me to tell you that, you are not only a hypocrite but also a morn (among other things that look like this: &****$$#%^%$$ when your mum types). The best gift you can give someone is time, and all us Christmas cheese balls know that.

 If what gets you is the busy shopping then prepare ,like a person with common fucking sense, you should  shop in November. It is always these Christmas haters (or X-Mass, as they prefer) morons that  give me slack for starting my Christmas shopping the day after Halloween, well guess what muthafuckas I am done - and it will be you in the herds other other assholes that hate Christmas at HMV buying shit for people that they don't want - SO you are what is wrong with Christmas - not me. I spent the whole year thinking of things that my family and friends would actually like. 

Christmas is when magic is real. You get drunk during the day, eat until you want to chuck, watch Dr Who, and it is a good thing that a fat guy home invades you. If that aint magic I don't know what is. 

Every Facebook status I see about Christmas music on too soon I think "What the hell is wrong with you?" Well actually I think "you moody dirtbag, you aren't an emo teenager, and it isn't cool not to like Christmas, so what's your problem?" Christmas music IS what is good about Christmas - for all you assholes that complain about it - sit back a rid a trout (I am almost 100% sure that is what that saying is) - Embrace Bubbel, kooky hats and drunk housewives . 



  1. is that a pygmy goat on your lap? I want it!!!!!

  2. It's a religious thing...they hijacked my festivus. I reserve the right to feel chagrined...bitch!

  3. Santa is meant to come on the 5th, like he does in real countries.
