Here is "forehead of steel" Nicky Kidman looking
like a god damn asshole in her budget version of the hot outfit Audrey
Hepburn wore in the Royal Ascot scene in My Fair Lady. Nicky
says: "It's inspired by My Fair Lady. It's one of my favourite
movies. We decided to do something that was fun and a bit different."
I guess by different she means "fucking ridiculous".
Kidman used to be a hot ging, now she looks like a hybrid of a Kuntuky (that
typo stays) senator's wife and a jerk in a shitty dress - I'm too lazy to
figure out what she looks like - maybe something off a 1840's cigarette pack. I
don't know why I would expect anything different from someone who married Tom
Cruise AND named their baby Sunday Roast Rose.
hahahaa sunday roast!!