Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Pros For Fights 100 Duck Sized Horse VS Pros For Fighting 1 Horse Sized Duck

Me and the rest of the interweb were recently asked if we would rather fight 1 horse sized duck or 100 ducked sizes horses.

 I though long and hard about this, then relished in the comfort that I had this one covered in my much deliberated answer. However the internet thought otherwise and threw my answer in the trash heap of flops and FAILs that are soproliferant on the internet. So I dragged that answer, screaming and kicking, from the pits of hell and posted it here. 

100 Duck Sized Horses Pros 

Once I whoop these little fellas they will fit nicely into zip lock bags for the deep freeze 
Horses are morons 
little things are easier to squish 
I could possibly keep one, then make a Youtube channel for it and get like crazy rich and stuff 
I could enslave these little guys once I defeat them in battle and have a tiny hose army. 

One Horse Sized Duck Pros 

This **** is all kinds of scary, so deserves to die
I could make like a billion crispy duck pancakes out of that **** 
I could keep it and fly on it's back to cool places like Hogwarts or Atlantic city 
I could make a real killer pimp coat out of those feathers 

Both win - I accept your challenge and will fight both. No cons for either.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! The dick who asked that question didn't even bother to come back and pick a best answer!
