Tuesday, December 18, 2012

5 False Myths About Christmas

I started this post with the intention of doing 10 myths, but them experienced the bedtime from Hell , which resulted in me screaming about smelly old beats in stockig etc.. you know the drill. Any ways that kind of thing leads to wine and wine leads to me being a lazy jerk. So here are 5: 

1. Coca Cola gave Santa a make-over

Actually the colours are widely though to originate with the original Santa - St Nicholas, a Bishop of Myra (Turkey) in the 4th Century.  Red and white were the hues of traditional bishop robes, although some jerky historians argue that he originally dressed in different colours just to mess things up for me and the purpose of this blog post. 

2. Atheist / Muslim / Gay agenda of war on Christmas 

Where? If I look outside my window it looks like a elf barfed all over Amsterdam - home of the Devil and quite a lot of gay Atheist homos (no commas not a typo).My TV is full of Christmas shows, my calender is full of Christmas events.. and I FUCKING LOVE IT!

 As John Stewart explained: "Christmas belongs to all of us because all of us can find something in it to be angry about."  

3. Christmas is a happy time of year

Nope. According to a recent study of FaceBook statuses, two weeks before Christmas is the most common time to get dumped. Christmas is a real popular time of year to top yourself too. 

4. Santa's helpers are elves/ chimney sweeps

Sorry but (originally and still in the Low Countries) Santa's "helper" is a Moor slave - a child slave. Charming. How do you think Santa makes all those toys and gets so much shit done if isn't from a combination of slavery and chid labour? 

5. Christmas is the biggest and the best holiday on Jesus calendar 

Easter, the day on which Christians believe Jewish zombie JesusHChrist rose from the dead, has more religious significance than does Dec. 25 - which is a kind of makey-up-day. 

So it seems that Christmas' huge popularity has a lot to do with the fabulous atheists, gays and everyone else who like getting drunk durring the day, tinsel, and fat men - further proof that this War on Christmas is a load of frog balls. 

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