Friday, January 25, 2013

Oprah Likes A Lot Of Baby Dick On Her Face

So Oprah is a word that I have to spell backwards first before I can't comprehend the frontword spell-how. H A R P O. 

Anyways, Oprah is real vocal about how female crotch mutalation is like totally shitty and stuff but wakes up every morning and smears baby dink all over her face in the form of incredibly over priced face cream.  I asked a bunch of twinks downtown if this works and really I didn't need to know, those hard up dudes look like shit. 

This comes is the wake of Mother O doing a show in PJ durring the day capital of the world, Vancouver. Apparently their is a group of uptight ladies who don't fancy the idea of "doctors" cutting off a teeny tiny bit of their kids baby maker. Go figure. So these dink worriers have put their Sherlock caps on and noticed that H AR P O (too drunk to type forwards) has a crusade on female genital mutilation yet loves nothing better than to smear baby dick night/day cream all over her glorious face. So they are out side her  show right now protesting.

I hear you ladies who doen't want baby dick either cut off or on your face. Really when it is put like that how does? 

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